Recreate your life with – CARE


What do you mean by recreate yourself?

You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. If you are ready for change but not sure how to create it. Here is the formula CARE, simple steps to recreate yourself.

C for Change, A for Accept, R for remove or Raise and E for Enjoy

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Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

Consistency Create Miracles in Life

venucv“Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence” – Ovid

Consistent performance is often more enduring and impactful than sporadic and intense bursts of effort. Compounding effect leads to exponential growth that surpasses sporadic bursts of intense effort.

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Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

Happiness Formula

Happy, lifelesson, venuSwami Vivekanand once asks his guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, “Why are we constantly unhappy?” Ramkrishna Paramahansa replied saying “Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.” 

Both happiness and suffering are indeed states of mind. Happiness often emerges from a tranquil mind, cultivated through inner peace and contentment.

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Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

Physical V/S Psychological Needs

Physical Needs V/S Psychological Needs

Basic Human Aspiration is to be Happy & Prosperous, and it is continuous. Human Being is the coexistence of Mind (Self) and Body, and both go hand in hand. However, both types of needs have to be understood separately and to be fulfilled separately. If Physical need is for the body and the psychological need is for the mind (Self), how to differentiate between physical need V/S psychological need?

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Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

Never Give Up

Patience, Persistence, Perseverance, Passion, PurposeYear 1968, Summer Olympics, Mexico City, time 7 pm, the sky was beginning to darken and most of the stadium was empty. The last few spectators were also preparing to leave. Suddenly there was a surprising announcement, the last marathon runner making an entry to the stadium.

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Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

Feedback is Vital to Hit the Bull’s Eye

“We do not believe what we see; we rather see what we have already decided to believe.” We are programmed and imbibed many things that we are unaware of – The way we think, our beliefs, behaviour, characteristics and our emotional reactions. Above that, the mind always loves to hear good things that bring pleasure or pleasantness to it and doesn’t heed to hear advice, criticism and negative feedback. But if we want to hit a bull’s eye, we need to pay heed to the feedback with an open mind whether it is constructive feedback or negative feedback. Continue reading →

Posted by Venu CV, 0 comments

More Than Resource Resourcefulness Matters

ResourcefulnessNot knowing the power of resourcefulness, we find reasons or excuses to blame someone else, something else for our misfortunes. We blame genetics, our upbringing, circumstances, situations and lack of resources for our failure.

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Posted by Venu CV, 2 comments

Skills are Weapons of Life

Do you want to be the person that you always wanted to be? Want to fulfil your desires? Your dreams? To achieve this, in today’s globally competitive world with rapid changes in technology, anybody for that matter, including non-working professionals also need to develop strong skills that enhance performance and productivity in their respective fields. Skills are like currency in this competitive world.

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Posted by Venu CV, 2 comments

Mind Laws

All problems are attributable to the mind. It is the mind that makes a man “Humane” leading him to be a great person. It is the discerning mind that makes a man so special and unique from other beings.

Although it cannot be touched, felt or seen, it seems even more intimately connected with us than our body. The mind follows some set of laws similar to physical laws.

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Posted by Venu CV in Life, 1 comment

How to Improve Concentration?

Everybody advice to concentrate, but how to concentrate? The mind possesses two distinct functions – the objective and subjective mind, the conscious and subconscious mind. Here, you would perhaps have observed two distinct entities not quite related; one is the physical existence, and the other is your thoughts. You may be consciously engaged in doing a thing but unconsciously thinking something else. Only you can witness, watch and observe your thinking.

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Posted by Venu CV in Mind, 0 comments