Happiness Formula

Happy, lifelesson, venuSwami Vivekanand once asks his guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, “Why are we constantly unhappy?” Ramkrishna Paramahansa replied saying “Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.” 

Both happiness and suffering are indeed states of mind. Happiness often emerges from a tranquil mind, cultivated through inner peace and contentment.

What we can gather from the conversation above is that the saying “Practice makes perfect” isn’t entirely accurate; instead, it should be “Practice makes permanent” and “Practice makes automatic.” From the moment we wake up, we are practicing disturbance, and consequently, worrying becomes ingrained and a part of life. However, if we practice happiness, it becomes integrated into our lives. Happiness is thus not merely an emotion but a way of life, influenced by the choices we make in every moment.

Indeed, we are living in an era of unprecedented abundance and opportunity. We possess more resources, facilities, and luxuries than even kings and queens of the past. With money to spend, vast information at our fingertips, greater knowledge, a plethora of entertainment options, and numerous friends to connect with, our lives seem rich with possibilities. Yet, despite all these advantages, many of us struggle to find happiness. This dissatisfaction often arises from our tendency to compare ourselves with others, failing to appreciate the abundance and blessings within our own lives.

For a materialistic life, happiness formula revolves around…


  • At a high level, desires are… Sensory Enjoyment, Emotional Thrills, Intellectual Pursuits and Attachments.
  • So, the higher the numerator and the lower the denominator, the happiness factor increases.
  • However, desires are like waves in the ocean. For some, they bring gentleness, soothe excitement, motivate, and provide a sense of calm and contentment. Yet, for others, they are unpredictable, overwhelming, and can capsize the thinking mind, leading to unhappiness.”

So, by reducing desires, happiness increases exponentially.

  • “Life can be made beautiful by being in the present, understanding from the past, believing in the future.”
  • Avoid “IF Than Else” condition of saying I will be happy after getting something, doing something or achieving something.
  • For every desire, ask yourself these question. Is this desire truly mine? Is it a genuine need?
  • Embrace an attitude of ‘Attachment with Detachment.’
  • Love Vyakti (Person) and use Vastu (Objects) and not the other way.
  • Develop Discriminative Wisdom by telling yourself these statements:
    • First level: “Whatever I have, I have; whatever I don’t have, I don’t have.”
    • Second level: “If I have something, so what! if I don’t have something, so what!”
    • Third level: “If I have something or if I don’t have something, it is of no consequence. The most important thing is how happy am I at any given moment.”

“Life is not about, ‘How much one possess to lead a happy life’, it is about ‘With how much less one can live happily.”


Venu CV


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Posted by Venu CV

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