More Than Resource Resourcefulness Matters

ResourcefulnessNot knowing the power of resourcefulness, we find reasons or excuses to blame someone else, something else for our misfortunes. We blame genetics, our upbringing, circumstances, situations and lack of resources for our failure.

Today we have more resources than ever, and hence we can be more resourceful than we know. We have a broader and diversified network through our social media and social network. Information is at our fingertips through the internet. Queries can be posted and get an answer within a day. Advance technology makes life more comfortable, and affordability has increased getting things what we want. But still, we blame lack of resources.  There is a saying, “It doesn’t matter how many resources you have. If you don’t know how to use them, it will never be enough.”

Resourcefulness Resourcefulness is the mindset and an attitude to open our mind’s eye and look for resources. It is networking and the emotional state of getting support from others and supporting others. It is ‘out of the box’ thinking. People may say, I failed because I did not have the right resources to guide or help. Actually, it is not about resources; it is the question of how resourceful we are. If we are creative enough, determined enough and passionate enough, we will find a way. It is the ability to find solutions with the limited resources we have and the proficiency to visualize all the possible ways to accomplish what we desire.

Resourceful people look for every opportunity with their diversified thinking. Looking at some real-time examples: Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, was a free guide to foreign tourists to improve and practice his English. Sir M Visvesvaraya, the father of Indian engineering, studied under street lights and used to eat free food served in temples.

“It’s not the lack of resources that cause failure, it’s the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure.” – Tony Robbins

Resourceful people are continually looking for innovative ways to leverage their current situation for maximum benefit. Passion, honesty, sincerity, decisiveness, generosity, openness and hard work are the ultimate human resources, and when we utilize these resources, we can get hold of any other resource that is required for us. According to the theory of Cause and Effect, “For every action, there will always be an equal and opposite reaction, so whatever we send into the universe comes back.” The most successful people in history had no resources, but they were incredibly resourceful.

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Posted by Venu CV


Very well articulated..

Suresh Reddy


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