Recreate your life with – CARE


What do you mean by recreate yourself?

You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. If you are ready for change but not sure how to create it. Here is the formula CARE, simple steps to recreate yourself.

C for Change, A for Accept, R for remove or Raise and E for Enjoy

C = Change: Progress is impossible without change. Life unfolds as a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Change remains a constant aspect of life, offering opportunities for growth and adaptation. Therefore, endeavor to change what you can, both internally and externally, embracing the potential for transformation wherever it arises.

For example: Your boss may be hindering you, or perhaps it’s your habits that are holding you back. The simple formula is change: either change your project or change your job. You can also change your habits or adopt new ones to replace the old ones.

A = Accept: Many things are beyond your control, so acceptance is often the best choice where change is impossible. Acceptance is indeed fundamental in life as it empowers individuals to find peace, meaning, and fulfillment despite life’s uncertainties and challenges.

For example: Your height cannot be altered, and your parents cannot be changed. Acceptance is the simple formula. If you’re unhappy with your boss, but it’s a recession period making it challenging to switch projects or jobs, simply accept the situation.

R = Remove / Raise:  If you find yourself unable to change or accept a situation, you are left with two choices: remove yourself from the situation, or rise above the challenges and limitations it presents.

For example: If you’re unable to change your boss and unwilling to accept their behavior, and switching jobs isn’t a viable option, rise above your boss. Perhaps explore creative avenues or acquire niche skills. Similarly, if you can’t change your friend’s behavior or accept it, simply remove them from your life.

E = Enjoy: Life is inherently dualistic, encompassing elements of both good and evil, happiness and sadness, birth and death. Therefore, it’s essential to embrace life’s uncertainties and challenges with an attitude of openness and joy. While difficult situations may present obstacles, they also provide opportunities for growth, connection, and appreciation. Keep smiling and enjoy the journey of life.”

Change what you can change. Accept what you can’t change. Remove yourself from what you can’t accept. When removal isn’t an option, rise above. Throughout this process, keep smiling and enjoy your life.

*Inputs taken from Gaur Gopal Das video “Drive This Car To Transform Your Life”


Venu CV

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Posted by Venu CV

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