Conducts sessions and workshops in schools, colleges and corporate sectors on various topics related to mind and memory techniques. Example: Memory techniques to memorize 10x faster. Leadership and Personal empowerment workshop. Workshop on mastering thinking skills and energy management. Etc...

Improve Memory 10x Faster

There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” memory, but rather “trained” or “untrained” memory. Like anything else, memory is a skill that can be mastered. All you need is an effective method and continuous practice.

Campus to Corporate and Beyond

Having a degree (the right knowledge) can help you get a job, but possessing job-specific skills will give you the real strength to sustain yourself in the profession. However, in addition to skills, having the right attitude and embodying human values will not only make you a complete human being b

Time Management Mastery

We curse, blame God for the disparity in life compared with others for many things, ignoring the best resource, the TIME that comes equal to all, that has to be mastered to get the best out of our life.