Know Your Inner world

Mind is nothing but thoughts. Mind is the greatest friend and Mind alone is the greatest enemy. Our thinking mind gets influenced by many factors.


You all know if you buy a product, it comes with a manual - that tells you - how to operate its features and functionalities, but your mind - which is immensely powerful, does not have a manual. Hence, it becomes difficult to harness its complete potential.

Art of Parenting

Process of raising and nurturing children from infancy to adulthood. Each child is unique. Embrace who they are by appreciating their unique qualities, strengths, and weaknesses without any judgment.

Bhagavad Gita-Mind Mastery

“atmaiva hi atmano bandhur atmaiva ripur atmanah.” - (BG 6.5). Mind is the greatest friend and greatest enemy. The senses are superior to the gross body, and superior to the senses is the mind. Beyond the mind is the intellect, and even beyond the intellect is the soul.