Personality Development!

From the day we are born, we are programmed to have certain beliefs, emotions and characteristics through our environment, education and experience, and that constitutes our personality. We act and react in a manner according to our personality-driven realities that restrict our thinking and will influence our self-enquiry.

At the same time, our personality has to be changed, thinking pattern has to be changed, and the style of working has to be changed for our betterment to fulfil our goals and dreams. The goals we aimed for will prompt us for personality change to obtain success.

To change our personality and to improve our behavioural style, we would have probably listened to motivational discourses, attended personality development workshops, and read motivational and self-help books. And at that moment, we would have felt like we have transformed completely. But until and unless we change our personality and pattern of thinking, we cannot transform ourselves. Unless we change, it is just a Band-Aid for the problem. “Life doesn’t get better by chance; it gets better by change.” The biggest challenge is, how do we understand our own personality type. The option we have is to use effective self-enquiry skill. Besides, there are personality tests available which help us to know our personality type using psychometric analysis.