Master Fundamental Skills!

Education may fetch you a job, but only your skills assure you promotions and sustenance. The more skills you acquire, the more competent you become. Acquiring required skills saves time, effort, money and energy. Skills are like currency in this competitive world. Skills are part of personal and professional development to avoid stagnation and reach your fullest potential. Everyone has hidden talents, learning and mastering skills help you to tap the infinite storehouse of hidden power to unleash the unlimited potential present within you. It gives courage, confidence, competence and comfort to live consistently with your highest values and aspirations.

But the nature of the jobs we do today may not be the same tomorrow owing to the changing times. Hence, it is difficult for today’s youth to anticipate and acquire the skills that may be required tomorrow. Here come the fundamental skills. The fundamental skills are necessary universal skills and the stepping stones for learning new skills.

Many essential skills that are an integral part of life which play a significant role. We are exhibiting these skills from our childhood days - not knowing their importance. Since we are ignorant, we fail to learn these skills profoundly. These skills can be called as fundamental skills or mandatory skills, as they are necessary to develop the overall personality, self-confidence, and creativity to face bigger challenges in life. These are natural skills. However, it requires continuous learning, practice and implementation at every stage of life. Knowing, improving and practising these fundamental skills help to uncover the superheroes hidden within ourselves.

Fundamental Skills

  • Self-Enquiry Skill
  • Concentration Skill
  • The Skills of Planning and Preparation
  • Time Management Skill
  • The Skill of Listening
  • Communication Skills
  • The Skill of Reading
  • Writing Skill
  • Notes-Taking Skill
  • Physical and Mental Fitness Skill
  • Memorization Skill
  • Study Skill
  • The Skill of Forming Habits
  • The Skill of Being Resourceful